About SIN and DEATH


What is SIN?

  • According to the internet dictionary, sin (as a noun) is “an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law”.
  • According to Dictionary.com … sin is “transgression of divine law” or “any act regarded as such a transgression, especially a willful or deliberate violation of some religious or moral principle”.
  • Interestingly, OxfordDictionaries.com does not give a definition for sin.

What does the Bible say about Sin?

  • Most people tend to think of sin as the transgression of the law (God’s Law). The Bible, however, reveals sin as so much more.
  • We sin by commission – doing something that is known to be wrong.
  • We sin by omission – not doing what we know should be done.
  • We sin by thinking the wrong thing.
  • We sin when we do something we are not sure is right.
  • In short, sin is anything that causes one to miss the mark and/or fall short of the glory of God.
  • … and a person can sin in thought, word or deed.

What is the end result of sin?

  • According to the Bible, the wages of sin is death.
  • That means that death is what Man deserves, has earned, has worked for, because of his sins.
  • Given that sin is the transgression of God’s law, then we could say that sin is the penalty for sin.
  • PLEASE NOTE, however, that the “death” that is the payment for sin is NOT the first death — which it is appointed unto men to experience — BUT the second death, which the judgement, mentioned in HEBREWS, can lead to.
  • Read on to find out more about the second death.


What is death? 

  • Death is the cessation of life.

Why is death possible?

  • Early in Genesis, we are told that God formed Man of the dust of the ground and breathed into him, causing him to become a living being.
  • Not long afterwards, however, it becomes clear that the life Adam had been given was only temporary.
  • What the verse makes clear is that Man could die.  God had made Man so that he could stop living.
  • God had given him a life that was temporary … Man was made subject to death.

What does the Bible say about Death?

  • Death is natural.
  • Death is to be expected.

What was the cause of death? 

  • Death was caused by sin.
  • Death is the payment for sin … It is what we earned/deserve because of sinning.

If the wages of sin is not the first death (death, as we know it), which death is?

  • The wages for sin is what is mentioned in the Bible as “the second death”.

What is the difference between the first death and the second death? 

  • The first death is cessation of life that all people are “appointed” to experience (when they die).
  • The second death is a second cessation of life that a person can experience, as a result of the “judgement” (mentioned in HEBREWS).  That “judgement” is God’s judgement on sin … or, as ROMANS tells us, the “wages” (payment earned or deserved) for sin.

What does the Bible tell us about the second death?

  • Not every person will experience the second death.
  • The second death will not affect those who come up in the first resurrection.
  • The second death is the Lake of Fire … or, better yet, consignment to the Lake of Fire is the second death.

How does death affect our relationship with God?

  • Death, as caused by sin, is the way that our sins and iniquities separated us from God.

Is death final? 

  • NO … because there will be a resurrection (return to life) of all who die.
  • The Bible also speaks of a second death, which means that the initial (first) death would not have been final.

Will there ever be an end to death? 

  • There is coming a time when death will be no more.


If you’d like to read Bible passages that support the answers given above, please go to the page on Sin and Death.


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