Luke Project Commentaries by BOB DEFFINBAUGH Commentaries by STEVEN J. COLE Preface to the Gospel of Luke 1. The Silence is Shattered (Luke 1:1-38) 2. The Worship of Two Women (Luke 1:39-56) 3. Why John Wasn’t Named “Little Zach” (Luke 1:57-80) 4. The Birth of the Messiah (Luke 2:1-20) 5. Sayings of Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:21-40) 6. The Day Jesus Went AWOL (Luke 2:39-52) 7. John the Baptizer (Luke 3:1-20) 8. The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3:21-28) 9. The Temptation of Jesus – Part I (Luke 4:1-13) 10. The Temptation of Jesus – Part II (Luke 4:5-8) 11. The Temptation of Jesus – Part III (Luke 4:9-13) 12. The Temptation of Jesus – Part IV (Luke 4:1-13) 13. On Prophets and Popularity (Luke 4:14-30) 14. Deity Confronts Demons (Luke 4:31-44) 15. How to Hook a Fisherman (Luke 5:1-11) 16. Stretcher Carriers and Sermon Critics (Luke 5:12-26) 17. On Eating Drinking and Being Merry (Luke 5:27-39) 18. The Great Sabbath Controversy (Luke 6:1-11) 19. Defining Discipleship (Luke 6:12-26) 20. Tough Love (Luke 6:27-49) 21. Jesus the Healer (Luke 7:1-17) 22. John’s Problem with Jesus (Luke 7:18-35) 23. Wordless Worship of a Woman (Luke 7:36-50) 24. Ministry, Money and Women (Luke 8:1-3) 25. Parable of the Soils (Luke 8:4-21) 26. Stilling of the Storm (Luke 8:22-25) 27. The Deliverance of the Demoniac (Luke 8:26-39) 28. Two Touching Miracles (Luke 8:40-56) 29. The Training of the Twelve (Luke 9:1-27) 30. The Cross and Christianity (Luke 9:18-26) 31. The Transfiguration of Christ (Luke 9:27-36) 32. Secular Saints (Luke 9:37-56) 33. Conflicting Commitments (Luke 9:57-62) 34. When Evangelism is Inadequate (Luke 10:1-16) 35. The True Source of Joy (Luke 10:17-24) 36. The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) 37. When Martha was Upset (Luke 10:38-42) 38. Teach Us to Pray (Luke 11:1-13) 39. Evidence that Produced Verdicts (Luke 11:14-36) 40. Fundamentalists in Formaldehyde (Luke 11:37-54) 41. The Hazard of Hypocrisy For Heralds (Luke 12:1-12) 42. Greed: The Affliction of the Affluent (Luke 12:13-21) 43. A Perspective on Possessions (Luke 12:22-34) 44. The Way to Wait (Luke 12:35-48) 45. Consequences of Christ’s Coming (Luke 12:49-59) 46. A Problem of Perspective (Luke 13:1-21) 47. Striving to Enter the Narrow Door (Luke 13:22-35) 48. Table Talks (Luke 14:1-24) 49. How to Hate Your Wife (Luke 14:25-35) 50. Lost and Found (Luke 15:1-32) 51. Does Christ Commend a Crook? (Luke 16:1-13) 52. The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:14-31) 53. Taking Sin Seriously (Luke 17:1-4) 54. Putting Faith In Perspective (Luke 17:5-19) 55. Sign-Seeking and Kingdom Coming (Luke 17:20-37) 56. Piety, Persistence, Penitence, Prayer (Luke 18:1-14) 57. Blessed Babes; Millionaire Misery (Luke 18:15-30) 58. From Sublime to Ridiculous (Luke 18:31-19:10) 59. A Nobleman, Slaves and Citizens (Luke 19:11-27) 60. The Untriumphal Entry (Luke 19:28-44) 61. A Tempest in the Temple (Luke 20:1-18) 62. God and Government (Luke 20:19-26) 63. One Bride for Seven Brothers (Luke 20:27-40) 64. David’s Son (Luke 20:41-21:4) 65. Jerusalem in the Last Days (Luke 21:5-38) 66. The Second Coming of Christ (Luke 21:25-36) 67. Preparing for Christ’s Passion (Luke 21:37-22:6) 68. The Last Supper (Luke 22:7-23) 69. Perspective, Ambition, Prophecy (Luke 22:24-38) 70. The Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:39-46) 71. Rejection of The Messiah – Part I (Luke 22:47-71) 72. Rejection of Israel’s Messiah – Part II (Luke 23:1-25) 73. Rejection of The Messiah – Part III (Luke 23:26-49) 74. Rejection of The Messiah – Part IV (Luke 23:26-49) 75. Dealing with the Death of Jesus (Luke 23:40-24:35) 76. From Heartbreak to Heartburn (Luke 23:54-24:35) 77. From Invisibility to Invincibility (Luke 24:36-53) 1: Faith Rooted in History (Luke 1:1-4) 2: When God Brings Revival (Luke 1:5-17) 3: The Problem of Doubt (Luke 1:18-25) 4: Should Christians Hail Mary? (Luke 1:26-45) 5: Glorifying God of Mercy, Judgment (Luke 1:46-56) 6: The Tender Mercy of Our God (Luke 1:57-80) 7: The Best News in the World (Luke 2:1-20) 8: Christ Our Hope (Luke 2:21-35) 9: A Life Well Spent (Luke 2:36-38) 10: Imitating Jesus (Luke 2:39-52) 11: Good News for Bad Times (Luke 3:1-6) 12: False and True Repentance (Luke 3:7-14) 13: Pointing People to Christ (Luke 3:15-22) 14: The Genealogy of Jesus (Luke 3:23-38) 15: The Temptation of Jesus (Luke 4:1-13) 16: Why Religious Reject Christ (Luke 4:14-30) 17: Jesus—Lord Over All (Luke 4:31-44) 18: Catching Fish or Men? (Luke 5:1-11) 19: The Cleansing Power of Jesus (Luke 5:12-16) 20: Helping Friends Find Forgiveness (Luke 5:17-26) 21: Why Jesus Doesn’t Save Good People (Luke 5:27-32) 22: Avoiding Gospel Killjoys (Luke 5:33-6:5) 23: When Jesus Stomps On Your Toes (Luke 6:6-11) 24: The Master’s Men and Method (Luke 6:12-19) 25: How to Live Happily Ever After (Luke 6:20-26) 26: Radical Love (Luke 6:27-35) 27: Judging Others, Judging Self (Luke 6:36-45) 28: Why Obedience is Not Optional (Luke 6:46-49) 29: An Effective Servant (Luke 7:1-10) 30: Christ’s Hope for a Hurting World (Luke 7:11-17) 31: Dealing With Doubt (Luke 7:18-35) 32: How to Love Jesus Fervently (Luke 7:36-50) 33: Serving the Savior (Luke 8:1-3) 34: Superficial and Genuine Believers (Luke 8:4-15) 35: Take Care How You Listen! (Luke 8:16-21) 36: What to do When Life Gets Stormy (Luke 8:22-25) 37: Christ’s Transforming Power (Luke 8:26-39) 38: Jesus’ Cleansing Power (Luke 8:40-48) 39: From Fear to Faith (Luke 8:49-56) 40: Proclaiming the Good News (Luke 9:1-9) 41: Our Inadequacy, Christ’s Adequacy (Luke 9:10-17) 42: The Crucial Question (Luke 9:18-22) 43: Following Self or Jesus? (Luke 9:23) 44: Why Crucify Self? (Luke 9:24-26) 45: The Glory of Christ (Luke 9:27-36) 46: Needy People, Mighty God (Luke 9:37-45) 47: Relational Lessons for Service (Luke 9:46-56) 48: The Only Way to Follow Jesus (Luke 9:57-62) 49: The Crucial Message (Luke 10:1-16) 50: What Makes Jesus Rejoice (Luke 10:17-24) 51: Salvation and Good Works (Luke 10:25-37) 52: The One Thing Necessary (Luke 10:38-42) 53: Lord, Teach Us to Pray! (Luke 11:1-4) 54: How to Approach God (Luke 11:5-13) 55: The Heavenly War (Luke 11:14-28) 56: How to Respond to God’s Word (Luke 11:29-36) 57: Why Jesus Hates Legalism (Luke 11:37-54) 58: Confessing or Denying Christ? (Luke 12:1-12) 59: How To Be Really Rich (Luke 12:13-21) 60: How to Solve Worries About Money (Luke 12:22-34) 61: Are You Ready for Christ’s Return? (Luke 12:35-48) 62: The Divisive Jesus (Luke 12:49-59) 63: What To Learn From Tragedies (Luke 13:1-9) 64: Religion Versus Reality (Luke 13:10-17) 65: Why You Want To Be On Jesus’ Side (Luke 13:18-21) 66: The Narrow Door (Luke 13:22-30) 67: Christ Would, But They Would Not (Luke 13:31-35) 68: Jesus the Confronter (Luke 14:1-14) 69: How to Have Dinner With Jesus (Luke 14:15-24) 70: The Cost of Discipleship (Luke 14:25-35) 71: God’s Lost and Found (Luke 15:1-10) 72: How to Receive God’s Mercy (Luke 15:11-32) 73: A Model for Hurting Parents (Luke 15:11-32) 74: How to be Truly Rich (Luke 16:1-13) 75: Scoffing or Submitting? (Luke 16:14-18) 76: A Great Chasm Fixed (Luke 16:19-31) 77: How to Deal With Relational Sins (Luke 17:1-4) 78: More Faith or More Obedience? (Luke 17:5-10) 79: How to Respond to God’s Blessings (Luke 17:11-19) 80: The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37) 81: Persevering in Prayer (Luke 18:1-8) 82: The Right Way to Approach God (Luke 18:9-14) 83: Bringing Children to Jesus (Luke 18:15-17) 84: How Good People Get Saved (Luke 18:18-27) 85: What You Get By Following Christ (Luke 18:28-34) 86: When Jesus Passes By (Luke 18:35-43) 87: Why Jesus Came (Luke 19:1-10) 88: Doing Business for Jesus (Luke 19:11-27) 89: Why You Should Follow Jesus (Luke 19:28-44) 90: By What Authority? (Luke 19:45-20:8) 91: Who Owns the Vineyard? (Luke 20:9-18) 92: Guile, Government, and God (Luke 20:20-26) 93: Why Doctrine Should Concern You (Luke 20:27-40) 94: True and False Religion (Luke 20:41-47) 95: Giving That Pleases the Lord (Luke 21:1-4) 96: Staying Sane When World Is Crazy (Luke 21:5-24) 97: On Guard! He’s Coming! (Luke 21:25-38) 98: Evil Religion (Luke 22:1-6) 99: Come to the Table (Luke 22:7-23) 100: Who’s the Greatest? (Luke 22:24-30) 101: Failure and Hope (Luke 22:31-38) 102: Prayer or Temptation? (Luke 22:39-53) 103: Spiritual Failure and Restoration (Luke 22:54-62) 104: God in the Hands of Angry Sinners (Luke 22:63-71) 105: The Verdict on Jesus (Luke 23:1-12) 106: Condemned or Set Free? (Luke 23:13-25) 107: The King on the Cross (Luke 23:26-49) 108: A Dad Who Bore The Cross (Luke 23:26) 109: Our Great Need, God’s Greater Grace (Luke 23:34) 110: A Deathbed Conversion (Luke 23:39-43) 111: Dying Well (Luke 23:46) 112: Taking a Stand for Christ (Luke 23:50-56) 113: The Foundation for Our Faith (Luke 24:1-12) 114: Disappointment and Hope (Luke 24:13-35) 115: Too Good to be True, But True! (Luke 24:36-43) 116: Our Mission and How to Fulfill It (Luke 24:44-49) 117: Why Disciples Rejoiced at Ascent (Luke 24:50-53)