
How Was Jesus Christ Able To Save Us?

      This presentation (a.k.a The Gospel in ‘P’s) is structured around what I call the four ‘P’s – Purpose, Problem, Provision and Potential. In our first lesson in this series, we saw that God’s PURPOSE for creating Man (in His image) was RELATIONSHIP. In the second lesson, we saw that Man’s PROBLEM (which derailed God’s Purpose) was SEPARATION from God … caused by SIN and DEATH. In our third lesson, we saw that […]

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Sunday LinkUp – 05May2024

  OPENING COMMENTS Today is the sixth Sunday of Easter. So next Sunday, the last Sunday of Easter, will be observed as Ascension Sunday to remember Jesus ascending back to the Father. The Sunday after that will be observed as Pentecost, when we celebrate the sending down of the Holy Spirit … and the birth of the Church. The theme for this week is New in Christ. Our keynote passage is John 15:9-17.   OPENING

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Friday DIVE – 08March2024 – TYPDNK About Hell-2

  THINGS YOU PROBABLY DON’T KNOW ABOUT HELL (Part 2)    In this session, we continue to look at some things you probably didn’t know about Hell … more specifically, to look at 12 things that I believe Hell is NOT.  To be clear … these are NOT that a person needs to believe in order to be a Christian … they are NOT things that Grace Communion believes … These ARE things that I

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PrayerLink Template – short

WELCOME to our prayer meeting … and THANKS for joining us. The FORMAT for tonight’s meeting … OPENING Section Opening Song … Opening Prayer THANKSGIVING Section Scripture reading … Song … Prayer(s) SUPPLICATION Section Scripture reading … Song … Prayer(s) CLOSING Section Closing Song … Closing Prayer     Opening SONG            Opening PRAYER        Things to PRAY FOR … God’s holiness God’s nature God’s love God’s mercy and grace God’s

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Introduction to Luke

    INTRODUCTION TO THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO SAINT LUKE   A LOVELY BOOK AND ITS AUTHOR The gospel according to St. Luke has been called the loveliest book in the world. When once an American asked him if he could recommend a good life of Christ, Denney answered, “Have you tried the one that Luke wrote?” There is a legend that Luke was a skilled painter; there is even a painting of Mary in

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What is The Second Death?

Is the second death a cessation of life?  Or is it a death that involves an eternity of suffering?  Is the second death the means by which reprobate sinners enter Hell?  Or is the second death something entirely different?  Could the second death be something that is more consistent with a God who is not just almighty and all-powerful, but all-loving and merciful, as well? WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE SECOND DEATH    Revelation

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SERMON on Luke 19:28-40

A Donkey’s Blessing Luke 19:28-31,32-35,36-40  INTRODUCTION Our text for today is one of four or so passages normally read on Palm Sunday. Normally, the focus is on the people shouting “Hosanna” and recognizing Jesus as Lord, worshipping Him in the process. Today, however, I want to shift the focus to the donkey and the donkey’s blessing. HOW SHOULD WE UNDERSTAND THE TEXT? 28 And when he had thus spoken, he went before, ascending up to Jerusalem. 29 And

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