Friday DIVE

Union WITH CHRIST – by Gary Deddo

    Clarifying Two Key Terms:  “ALL ARE INCLUDED” and “UNION WITH CHRIST”   (From an essay entitled CLARIFYING OUR THEOLOGICAL VISION … by Dr. Gary Deddo)   The goal of this ongoing series of articles is to clarify some of the key terms we use in communicating the wonderful truths of our incarnational Trinitarian faith.  As Dr. Tkach mentions in his introduction to the series, though we’re not making significant changes, we are providing some […]

Union WITH CHRIST – by Gary Deddo Read More »

How Are You IN CHRIST?

  How are YOU in Christ?  Yes, YOU. Whether you realize it, or not, you are in Christ.  You may not agree, but YOU are. The question is HOW?  How are YOU in Christ? There are two ways for humans to be in Christ — hypostatically and spiritually. If you are human, then you are in Christ, hypostatically. If you are a Christian, then you are in Christ, spiritually, as well as hypostatically. In this

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What Did Jesus Make Possible by His Works? | MAN’s POTENTIAL

We’re continuing our series on UNDERSTANDING THE GOSPEL … via the Gospel in ‘P’s. Recap … What are the four ‘P’s? Whose is each? What is God’s Purpose? What was Man’s Problem? What was God’s Provision? What is Man’s Potential?     MAN’s POTENTIAL What was the result of God solving Man’s Problem?     Romans 5:10-11  For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been

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How Did God Solve Man’s Problem? | GOD’s PROVISION

This presentation (a.k.a The Gospel in ‘P’s) is structured around what I call the four ‘P’s – Purpose, Problem, Provision and Potential. In our first lesson in this series, we saw that God’s PURPOSE for creating Man (in His image) was RELATIONSHIP. In the second lesson, we saw that Man’s PROBLEM (which derailed God’s Purpose) was SEPARATION from God … caused by SIN and DEATH. In this, our third lesson, we will investigate what the

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What Went Wrong with God’s Plan?

This presentation is part of a series, UNDERSTANDING THE GOSPEL – Discipleship 101, which has been designed to help us with our plans to make disciples for Christ.   What is a disciple?  A believer who is following … and sharing … Christ? What does “Gospel” mean?  Good news What is the Gospel?  Essentially, God has solved the problem that Man had and could not solve. NOTE:  There are two views re: that solution: 1. 

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What is God’s Purpose for Man?

  Why were you born? Is there a purpose for your life? Why did God create humans, in the first place? In this article, we’re going to investigate what the Bible says about GOD’S PURPOSE FOR MAN,   What was God’s plan for Man?   Genesis 1:11-12, 20-21,24-25  Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed

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Welcome and Thanks for joining us for a special Good Friday edition of our Friday DIVE Bible study.   Tonight, we commemorate Jesus’ crucifixion and death and we reflect on events that happened on the day Jesus Christ, our Saviour, died on our behalf.   This day is a somber one, traditionally held with an attitude of contemplation and solemnity, and we can pause to consider the many questions raised by Jesus’ crucifixion.     Today’s theme follows

GOOD FRIDAY REFLECTIONS – March 29, 2024 Read More »

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