April 2024

How Did God Solve Man’s Problem? | GOD’s PROVISION

This presentation (a.k.a The Gospel in ‘P’s) is structured around what I call the four ‘P’s – Purpose, Problem, Provision and Potential. In our first lesson in this series, we saw that God’s PURPOSE for creating Man (in His image) was RELATIONSHIP. In the second lesson, we saw that Man’s PROBLEM (which derailed God’s Purpose) was SEPARATION from God … caused by SIN and DEATH. In this, our third lesson, we will investigate what the […]

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What Went Wrong with God’s Plan?

This presentation is part of a series, UNDERSTANDING THE GOSPEL – Discipleship 101, which has been designed to help us with our plans to make disciples for Christ.   What is a disciple?  A believer who is following … and sharing … Christ? What does “Gospel” mean?  Good news What is the Gospel?  Essentially, God has solved the problem that Man had and could not solve. NOTE:  There are two views re: that solution: 1. 

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What is God’s Purpose for Man?

  Why were you born? Is there a purpose for your life? Why did God create humans, in the first place? In this article, we’re going to investigate what the Bible says about GOD’S PURPOSE FOR MAN,   What was God’s plan for Man?   Genesis 1:11-12, 20-21,24-25  Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed

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Are the Accounts of The Resurrection Contradictory? – Psephizo

      Are the accounts of the resurrection contradictory? April 5, 2021 by Ian Paul   If the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth from the dead is the most important and foundational truth of the Christian faith, how come the New Testament accounts of the resurrection and Jesus’ appearances are so contradictory?  That is a relatively widespread response in atheist/apologetic circles, and I think amongst Muslim critics of the Christian faith. I think this one, in

Are the Accounts of The Resurrection Contradictory? – Psephizo Read More »

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