What Did Jesus Make Possible by His Works? | MAN’s POTENTIAL

We’re continuing our series on UNDERSTANDING THE GOSPEL … via the Gospel in ‘P’s. Recap … What are the four ‘P’s? Whose is each? What is God’s Purpose? What was Man’s Problem? What was God’s Provision? What is Man’s Potential?     MAN’s POTENTIAL What was the result of God solving Man’s Problem?     Romans 5:10-11  For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been […]

What Did Jesus Make Possible by His Works? | MAN’s POTENTIAL Read More »

How Did God Solve Man’s Problem? | GOD’s PROVISION

This presentation (a.k.a The Gospel in ‘P’s) is structured around what I call the four ‘P’s – Purpose, Problem, Provision and Potential. In our first lesson in this series, we saw that God’s PURPOSE for creating Man (in His image) was RELATIONSHIP. In the second lesson, we saw that Man’s PROBLEM (which derailed God’s Purpose) was SEPARATION from God … caused by SIN and DEATH. In this, our third lesson, we will investigate what the

How Did God Solve Man’s Problem? | GOD’s PROVISION Read More »

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