Aspects of Salvation





  • Three Imputations:
  • 1) Adam’s sin TO humanity;
  • 2) Our sins TO Christ;
  • 3) Christ’s righteousness TO humanity



  • What? … restoration of a friendship/relationship
  • Why? …  Because the relationship had been severed
  • Who? … ALL, objectively, at the death of Christ … Some, subjectively, at time of believing
  • When? … At the death of Christ … AND also time of believing



  • In a right relationship 
  • declared righteous 
  • What? … a state of right-ness or righteousness
  • When? … at time of Christ’s death …
  • Who? … ALL people



  • What? … state of separateness … of being apart, having been set apart
  • Who? … applies only to believers … the called out ones … the Church
  • When? … at moment of belief and putting trust in Christ
  • Why? … to marry Christ



  • What? … a state of glory … of having a glorious body
  • Who? … believers now … ALL eventually
  • When? … at Christ’s return … upon receipt of immortal bodies 
  • Why? … so that we can live forever



  • What? … removal of sins …
  • How? … made possible by Christ’s sacrifice 
  • When? … at Christ’s death …
  • Why? … so that salvation by God could be possible



  • Titus 3:5 … This is the only verse in the Bible that uses “regeneration” in its soteriological meaning and connects it with the Holy Spirit.
  • What? … renewal … new birth (being born again) … 
  • the act of God by which the principle of the new life is implanted in a man and the governing disposition of the soul is made holy … the act of God that imparts (spiritual) life … birth from above … spiritual birth
  • “born anew” or “born again” (John 3:3, 7; 1 Peter 1:3, 23)
  • “begotten of God” (John 1:13; 1 John 2:29, 3:9, 4:7, 5:1, 4, 18) … implanted with eternal life, the life of God …  
  • How? … by receipt of the Holy Spirit
  • When? … immediately before belief
  • Why? … so that person can be alive to believe 



  • What? … Belief … Trust 
  • How? … as a gift from God
  • When? … at moment of trusting in Christ
  • Why? … to be able to do the work of God … by having Christ living in us and the Holy Spirit working through us



  • What? … metanoia … change of mind and thinking … the flip side of belief
  • How? … by believing … moving from unbelief to belief 
  • When? … the moment person starts believing
  • Who? … anyone to whom God gives the Holy Spirit
  • To “repent and believe” –> better understood as “repent by believing”



  • What? … change of behaviour … move from one state to another …
  • How? … by a change of mind … (change in behaviour results from a change of mind)
  • Why? … so that God could do His work on earth 
  • When? … at receipt of the Holy Spirit 



  • What? … a profession … utterance of words, usually confirming or admitting something that may be wrong 
  • Why? … to stay in a right relationship but it must be a sincere profession, based on sincere belief
  • more that just a mouthing of words



  • brought into the family of God 



  • surety of salvation
  • depends on God, not on Man



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