
Is Hell a Place of Unending Torture? – SDA | Friday DIVE

  Tonight, we continue our series on Hell … What is it?  Where did it come from?  What is its purpose? A quote by Doug Batchelor – SDA evangelist … “… no doubt there are some of you who may be thinking that it’s not spiritually correct to talk about hell … that it’s negative … we want to be positive  … “… but I need to talk about what Jesus talks about.  Amen … […]

Is Hell a Place of Unending Torture? – SDA | Friday DIVE Read More »

Things You Probably Did Not Know About Hell | Friday DIVE

Friday DIVE – March 1, 2024 Welcome and Thanks for joining. Tonight, we continue our series on the subject of Hell.   THINGS YOU PROBABLY DON’T KNOW ABOUT HELL   SPS … To look at some things you probably didn’t know about Hell … more specifically, to look at 12 things that I believe Hell is NOT.  To be clear, these are NOT that a person needs to believe in order to be a Christian

Things You Probably Did Not Know About Hell | Friday DIVE Read More »

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