
What The Bible Says About Jesus

  Jesus is the central figure in Christianity, so it is not surprising that the Bible says a lot about Him.  In this post, we take a brief look at the Person and Work of Jesus Christ, who walked on earth as Jesus of Nazareth. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, but the Bible also makes it clear that Jesus Christ is God the Son.  As many passages point […]

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What The Bible Says About Death

  According to the conventional wisdom, there are only two things that are certain in life – death and taxes.  Most of us have a fairly good idea of what taxes are, but the same can’t be said about death.  Death, for most people, is a great mystery, made even  more mysterious because it is often shrouded in fear. One of the reasons death is feared by so many is because they know so little

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What The Bible Says About Man

  Science has a lot to say about Man* (used, generically, to refer to humans – male and female).  However, science can only tell us about physical man – things that can be seen, touched, measured or tested. What about the rest of Man? We know, for example, that the Bible speaks of a “spirit in man” (Job 32:8, 1 Corinthians 2:11) … but what can science really tell us about that?  And what about the

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